Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 23rd Letter

Elder Lam is one of the Mandarin Chinese speaking missionaries here. He's pretty cool and is good at basketball. I was surprised, but there are 6 of them here, as well as 8 Spanish speaking missionaries, with more of both on the way!
Here are some pictures, I'm trying to remember what they are. We had a HUGE City-wide food drive, and over 500,000 pounds of food were donated. so yeah. This is mostly that. and i found you a cool truck. We sent out over 60 huge boxes of food from out stake alone. This is just the picture email, so I'll say more later.

No email from you guys this week? My family has forgotten me already?! That's gotta be a record! Well, Transfers were today, and I'm staying but Elder Page is going off to be a "zed-L" in the Calgary South Zone, I'm so proud of my daddy. I'm actually getting the elder that trained my MTC comp elder Page!
So that's funny. I'm really gonna miss Elder Page and am really bummed that we only got to serve together for 6 weeks. And Also that he's going to miss Tyler's baptism this Saturday. This Saturday at 8! yay! Today, This exact point in time i just realized makes 2 months since i entered the MTC. crazy!
I've never told this to anyone before, but i used it in a lesson so i figured i might as well tell you. Remember when i broke my leg? Before the game, I clearly and specifically remember praying pretty fervently and asking God to protect my team and not let and injury come on any of us. That's one of the reasons it hit me so hard. But now it strengthens my testimony that I was supposed to break my leg and my life was supposed to change in some way. Whether it be that I wouldn't go anywhere for basketball, or whether I needed to be humbled, I don't know. But i do know that it was supposed to happen. As depressing as it still is, I know it this it true.
Being in YSA is really cool. We get to be at the Institute a lot and the director there is a GENIUS. Bro Logan Zemp. He can quote anything and teach anything so simply yet so complete. Its awesome.
Happy Birthday toooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu happy birthday tooooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu happy biiiiiirthhhdayyy dear mooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm happyp birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Yay! Happy birthday mom! Wish i could sing to you and stuff, but i can't. But pretend i did! I was thinking of your age and i couldn't believe it. I don't think you look anything over 44! And that is an honest statement.
Well, life is going good. This week wasn't too eventful, just doing missionary work! Dad, please tell me object lessons! I love you guys and really really really really really miss you!
Elder Cody Crippen

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17th Letter

(I am guessing this is Cody at their ward Cornbust, a Canadian thing that every ward up here seems to do at the beginning of fall. If he is lucky it is Taber Corn, a city known for thier deliciousness.)

I'm glad you got my letter! Yeah, that was a fun service project with Sister Layton. Haha I'm glad you could feel all warm and squishy. What talks did you guys use that story in? You and Dad got so blessed in life because of the lives you led and the changes you made so you could have a great family raised in the true gospel! simply put of course. Could you throw David in the weekly email thing? like forward on and stuff? I can't believe carries having the baby? did they decide on a name yet? If you did a health mission would dad proselyte there? yeah, door to door is scary but for us at least we know that we are probably never going to see these people again and what we're doing is the right thing. I wish you guys could watch me to. I know you'd be proud of what I'm doing even more if you could see. I'm coming more and more to enjoy this day by day. Sometime this week, i don't remember when, but i was just sitting there and was just really happy with what I'm doing. but that doesn't mean i don't wish i could be at BYU screaming my head off. :) I do miss a lot people, but no worries, its not hampering me at all. Yeah the weeks go by so fast! its crazy. this transfer is almost over! next week I'll email on Tuesday cuz our schedule gets altered on transfer week. I hope i don't leave! tyler barndoller is getting baptized next Saturday! SO EXCITING! Dang I'm bummed i missed standards night. There were somethings i was gonna give you to say. Mostly along the lines of turning off cell phones and stuff and REALLY listening in church. Yeah, send us some heat, I'm scared for winter! -40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yikes. dad, those comments about BYU seriously MADE MY DAY! so exciting to hear! Heisman!!! for real? crazy. All right, here's my list:
Prayer-I LOVE hearing investigators pray. Its so amazing i can't even begin to tell you how awesome it sounds. their prayers are so humble and really seem like a conversation.
Alarm clock-for some reason i picked it up and slammed it against the wall in the middle of the night, don't ask why, I'm a weird sleeper. and it broke, but i fixed it! yeahhhhhhhh
Pres. Low- He spoke at our stake conference, so that was exciting. I got to meet him and he's way nice.
David tackle football- little David's in tackle football?! send me some pictures!
We watched special witnesses of Christ. that is a sweet video. I could almost feel the Savior there! amazing.
We were street contacting and this kid goes hey, are you guys Mormon, i go, you know it! he goes, YEAH! you guys ROCK! he was dressed all punklike too. silly goose.
We talked to this drunk baptist guy who wanted to see if our church is true by coming and looking to see if the members have demons in their eyes. crazy man. but hey, hopefully he'll come to church!
We went to the University of Calgary and it is SO different from BYU. Babylon vs Zion i swear. Modesty was the biggest difference, and it just had a different, almost gross feel to it.
Well, i love you guys a bunch, do member missionary work! miss you!
Elder Crippen

Monday, September 15, 2008

Our Little Brother in Action


Crippen Family,

Just wanted you to know that you have a wonderful son and missionary. Yesterday Elder Page and Elder Crippen helped us sand our deck and will paint it next week. Believe me, it was very hard to accept of their service. Our daughter, who is attending BYU Provo, had an English class with your son last year. This summer she had mentioned that Elder Crippen would be serving in our mission. I was given strict instructions to make sure that he was spoiled if he should happen to serve in our area. As coincidence would have it, Stephie ran into your son at conference a week before she left for Provo. Elder Page and your son were able to come over for dinner and it was good. Your son seemed to be adjusting very well to life as a missionary. We learned that your daughter married Brian and Cynthia Low's son and they now reside in Edmonton. I am from Cardston originally and actually grew up with Brian. Small world isn't it?

I have fowarded some pictures to you of our service project yesterday. Elder Page and Elder Crippen seem to get along very well and are more than willing to do what it takes to obey the mission rules and do what is required of them.

Today we had stake conference. Our Stake President has ordered some 6000 pass along cards, 600 Book of Mormons and is very enthusiastic for our stake to share the gospel with others. With missionaries like your son, it will be easy to introduce them to the missionaries.

Thanks for sharing your son with us. If there is anything that I can do for your son from this end, I would be please to help out.

Alex and Kathy Layton

You go Elder Codeman! Keep up the good work.

September 10th Letter

Breakfast actually isn't too exciting. Normally cereal and a muffin or something. But he have found a cool way to microwave an egg. To cook you have to have ingredients, and when you're only in an area for 6 weeks, and meals are quick so you can study, write letters, or sleep. But I'm eating well, always have some apples or carrots or something. Did you tell Senora Modrich and Mr. Purkiss about my story yet? I hope so. Dang, so the questions you're writing/proofreading are gonna be in a book? That's pretty sweet. The funnest thing? Hmmm, i don't know, its all been great, there's been little awesome things here and there, but i really think that its all great, so nothing really sticks out. Yeah, I'm only in the YSA ward, our area is huge! it covers 3 family wards. Most of the time when we tract into someone pretty good they're not qualified for YSA so we have to pass em over the the family ward elders. So Anthony is doing well? I'd really like to hear from him, tell him to write me a letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really want to hear from that kid! What did he tell you? Did you get my letter yet? Hmmm, suggestions for baby boy? No clue. I like Cody personally. :D SO i was gonna send you some awesome videos of me lip syncing to music in the car, but the file size was too big, i'm trying to edit in on my camera. hopefully it works. Yeah, i read that article by John Bytheway, it was pretty sweet. you should check out the month before that, page 24. ITS JAYNI!aghhhhh that was so cool to see! I recognized her sisters names and then saw the author. totally nuts. The pictures even kinda looks like her and her family. autumn eating canned food?! what the hey? you're gonna become a crazy cat lady! hahaha. ooooohhhhh BYU i miss it so much. We have a guy in the ward that sends us a text message about the score. Maybe you could send some stats and highlights......That's good to hear that Nanny's getting stronger! I miss the fam a whole bunch. Well, here's the list of things i made throughout the week of stufff to tell you.

Carl-We tracted into carl and he told us his faith in Christ was very weak, we asked why and he invited us in! We taught him a first, and told him about our church. The spirit was way strong, but then his friend came in and asked him something, they had a weird couple of minute long conversation so that made things weird. He was way solid, but after that it felt weird with the spirit kinda gone. and it kinda ended there. We're gonna go by in a couple of weeks and see how he's doing.

Are you really there?-In bed, and after a somewhat hard day, the primary song came into my mind, A child's Prayer. I kind of offered a prayer with that first line, "Are you really there?" INSTANTLY, i felt warm and a great feeling of peace came over me. He's really there, I know it.

CES Fireside- Jeffrey R Holland spoke so it was naturally amazing. You guys should watch it. It talked about why we go through trials and D&C 121-123. Those are amazing chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carla-The sisters who were in the area before us were teaching Carla a bit, and elder page wasn't able to get a hold of her all last transfer. Just this last week we FINALLY got a hold of her and set up an appt. It went really well. She's 19, smokes, lives with her boyfriend and runs a painting business. She is really friendly, always invites us in and is open. During the appt she kinda started to cry because she realizes that she isn't living her life as she should, or as God would have her live it. I feel really good about her and her desire to learn more.

Tyler #1- He's REALLY progressing, know's the Book of Mormon is true, and all. Its just his tie to his old church that's really holding him back. But he is WAY solid, at fast and testimony meeting he said he felt the urge to go up!!!! oh that would've been awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tyler #2-a smart kid with a silly beard. I've only met with him once, but he answers his own questions, has already had anti stuff delivered to him but he doesn't believe it! yesssssssssssss score one for the good team. He's a solid kid as well.

$-Can you transfer some money to my checking account? I think its all in savings, so it still won't work as a visa card. And that'd be nice to have for purchasing clothes and stuff.

Bobsledding-STILL a dream of mine. Looking at Olympic Park brings back memories of pretending my tie tack was a bobsled and riding it through the creases and folds of my pants during church. I WILL BE AN OLYMPIC BOBSLEDDER!

Object lessons- Elder Page and i were talking about lessons, and could you guys send me some of your ideas for object lessons? super.

Well, we're off to go shopping, I love you guys and miss you. I have that family picture Of you guys, chris katie and the boys on my wall, so thats fun. Keep it real!
Elder Crippen

(This is Jayni Dowse when they were at BYU. She wrote the article he talked about.)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 3rd Letter

I LOVED those parables. you should give them to Aimee for the blog/facebook. hahaha That's so weird you'll be up here. You should leave some goodies at the mission office! Dang, Utah then Minnesota! you guys are traveling like crazy! Whats next? The Bahamas? Were those parables in the book? They made me laugh real hard. soooooo trueeee. I got the package from you guys yesterday! it was awesome! Its so nice to have my backpack back and stuff. the shirt was my favorite i think. I put it on as soon as i could. heh heh, the coke bottles didn't end up so nice. (see photos) Looks like they're not meant for traveling. uh, i think I'm on the east side of the river. ok ok ok ok no bourne stunts. Obedience is really important out here. That's one thing I'm scared about, is a patch of ice, something goes weird playing basketball, some crazy person, and my mission could be over. its hard, but i love it. Its through the challenging and testimony trying days that i feel my testimony growing stronger that this church holds the fullness of Christs gospel. Last night was one of those. We tracted awhile after a good zones conference and this atheist talked to us forever about how the Book of Mormon was "really written" and how you can't prove there is a God. It made me mad but it hit deep. Then last night at home i was writing to Peter Barnes, serving in Latvia, about it and bore my testimony.
it took up a whole page and strengthened me so much. That's the first time I've really had a witness that bearing your testimony helps it grow. Speaking it to people is hard because you don't want to be one of those annoying people that talk forever about stories, but you want to leave a good impact and have the Spirit, so its hard. But when you're writing, no one is gonna stop you or put it down. That's the best way. Give it a try, and write down your testimony to your future self for a hard day or something. Well, other missionaries have told me stories about writing long emails and the computer freezing so I'm gonna send this shindig ASAP. Love you! thanks for everything!
Elder Crippen

THE PARABLE: the parable of the self-addressed -stamped envelope. Once, a missionary departed unto a far-off land but first he gave a certain number of self-addressed-stamped envelopes to his friends. Unto one he gave 5, and unto another he gave 2, and unto another he gave 1. And while he was gone, he that was given 5 envelopes wrote 5 letters and then in zeal wrote 5 more. The same with him that had been given 2 envelopes, he wrote 2 letters and then 2 more. But, he that was given 1 self-addressed-stamped envelope became slothful and careless, and lost the envelope, even that which he was given. And when the missionary came home, he went unto his friends. And he that had written 10 letters was warmly greeted, the same with he that had written four. But, he that had written none at all was given nothing more than a fish-like handshake.I only tell you that story because you have mentioned how much letters mean to you. But some will say, "A letter! A letter!" But we have already written a letter. What need have we to write any more letters? Know ye not that there are more days than one! And more events in a day? Why think ye that those events need not be reported? If you feel like you don't have much news...tell me about any little thing and it will mean alot to me. If you find a favorite scripture, let me know. Bishop will want to know it for your wall plaque! When a gospel truth is strengthened...write it down and pass it on because it may be just what someone needs to hear.

Hi Dad!
Hahaha, I'm quite the bounder up the stairs aren't I? It wasn't often i took those stairs one at a time. Its funny how spiritual star Wars is. I've actually used that in a lesson. With how Anakin goes bad trying to do something god and that's how Satan gets us.
Thanks for the advice, it helps humble me and realize I've gotta be kind to everyone. I'll work on that this week. It bugs me how rude and inconsiderate people can be. I'm a person! ugh. Thanks for the pictures! they're fun to get. haha Kaela's funny/ Yeah there's no problem with sending stuff. Just don't send forwards and all that i don't need. I can't really watch videos and stuff. So this has been a good week. We had zone conference yesterday and that was good and uplifting. I bore my testomny on how much i know this Gospel has blessed our family. And before, people used to ask me if my house was on fire what 5 things would i grab? I can honestly and earnestly say the scriptures. I love them SO much. I was reading in Mark 8 today and there's good stuff there, but its stuff i went really deep into reading so describing it would be hard. I sent you guys a letter yesterday, so you should get that next week or so. And i had my first missionary talk in church Sunday. I spoke on faith and shared some experience from talking on phones to people in the referral center. It was pretty fun. Monday night we got our hair cut by a family and then did FHE with them. It was so nice to be with a family again. we drew up a memory game for the kids and it was cool. Then we helped the Dad give his son a school blessing, and that was awesome. He's a convert of 5 years, so that was awesome. and it felt good to have a part in a blessing. it feels like its been so long! Haha we went to a Catholic mass last week and that was weird. This professor of theology came up to us afterwards and was somewhat bragging on how anyone, like us, can go into a catholic service, but only members can go into the Temple. Then we told her we have chapels. Shows what kind of Professor she is. And she asked us if we had questions and we said no, and she told us that was a shame and walked away. That wasn't nice. I guess NIcki's mom went to one of your edweek classes and talked to you and loved your talk. I didn't know you still taught there?! And Sister Priday remembers going to your prickly bear teddy bear talk awhile back. You're famous! You've still got it! Thanks so much for the package, it was awesome. I promise I'll be a jason bourne missionary, just without the stunts. I'll hit them with the Spirit and use my scriptural tools to hack into their soul. hahah yeeeeah. For some reason i can't attach pictures, so i guess I'll print some out and stuff and mail em. I love you a bunch, and give my love to everyone! I miss you!
Elder Crippen

Monday, September 1, 2008

August 27th Letter

Courage my son, and don"t forget,
That God is with you in every step.
You take for him in a righteous cause,
Such as reaching his sacred and holy laws.
There are souls out there waiting to hear
The message you carry of faith and prayer.
Of a God who dwells in the heavens above,
And rules the world with the spirit of love.
Forget all worries and earthly care,
And put your soul in the message you bear.

Hey! Thanks for the tracting advice. It really helps! I don't know our address, but put in an intersection for Exshaw Rd and 25th st. We're right on the corner that is really pointy. Honestly I'm terrible at putting stuff into words. He's taught me ltos of good stuff, i'm being rushed cuz i'm almost out of time in the library, so i have to hurry. Good work with the golfing! I'm so proud of my daddy. There are golf courses all over here. That surprise retirement party thing is sweet. wish i could've been there! its totally fine to send pictures, no prob at all. Oh, and please don't forward me stuff. gives you NO memory at all, so it messes with recieving stuff. I don't know if you knew, but you're forwarding me all my sent stuff. I tracted into an athiest and a muslim in the same day, that was fun and frustrating. I'm just down the street from olympic park, and thats exciting. its like i'm in cool runnings! its just out of our zone though so i can't go there. We were street contacting and i noticed this lady in a car waving me over so i went. She speaks spanish so i was able to talk to her for a bit and find out. turns out she met missionaries in ontario and liked em, and she wanted us to get her daughter out of an abusive relationship, off drugs, and teach her the lessons. we refered her to the spanish elders, so she's gonna be taught! not so sure about the daughter though, she sounds nuts. it was way fun translating. Big thanks to senor PURKISS and modrich for that. Would you mind telling them that for me? Did you send the backpack? Sorry, i'm gonna write a letter i promise but i've got to go i'm the only on on a computer still. I love you a bunch and thanks for everything! You guys are the best and i miss you tons!
Elder Crippen

Hi Mom!
Thats crazy about amelia, but exciting! Yeah, i get to sleep on time, and sometimes earlier, but it takes me forever to fall asleep. I don't know why. No Worries, the house is clean! Uh, i met this kid who's doing a government funded reseach paper on MAGIC. yeah, the whole eye of newt dealio. weird. Mom, you don't understand the importance of getting letters from friends. I don't care if its one page. Just that envelope with your name on it give SUCH a boost. I don't think anyone understands other than missionaries and military service folk. No package yet, but mail in canada is weird and takes awhile. where did you send it? dad was asking about the address and its the mission address. thats where all mail should go because mail here is unreliable and transfers and what not. if it goes to the mission office i'm guaranteed to get it. No beef yet really, i don't think. But the hamburgers that members haved cooked for us up here are amazing. But other than that, nothing special. We don't cook in their kitchen, just wash dishes. We have a lil kitchen in the basement where we live, and all we have is a fridge, a toaster oven and a microwave. photos are coming. Thats a nice poem, did you write it? i like it! Everything is going well, but i'm almost out of time here and i've got to go. I'll send more stories in reply to dad's email. Thanks for all you do and have done. I love you!
Elder Crippen
P.S. Whats Elderson?