Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 21st Letter

Baptism of Laura Knight

Princes, Bakers, and Joostens, some of the coolest people EVER

The Laceys, one of my favorites from New Brighton Ward

Guess what?! Life is good. haha. But really, it is. Me and e tompkinson are working hard and getting work DONE. Its awesome and i love being back in YSA. On Sunday there was a fireside for all YSA in the city so i got to go and i got to see a lot of people i was close with back in the Brentwood ward. It made me SO happy to see all of them. I'm still all goosebumpy over it. And a lady that we were teaching in our area but then handed them over to the family ward elders. It was a great baptism and she is/was so happy! It was very motivating. And we were able to work more with Lana and it continues to be to rewarding to teach her, her faith is SO strong and its really motivating to us to teach her. She's awesome. Nothing too new is going on, weather is decent, and I'm nearly done with the BoM! I'm excited. I love study time, its so sweet. I've been thinking, I've been out 15 months. That is so crazy! Time if flying by so fast and its nuts that i only have 9 months left! WOW. I love you all!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hey! how's it going! This is your son, by the way, in case you were wondering! What the hey hare you guys doing in Miami? You are having WAY too much fun without me! This is not fair. you're in Miami having TONS of fun in the sun, and it just dropped 3 inches of snow last night. That's exciting i guess, but it just means that we're gonna be confined inside for P-days. Which is a bummer. But we've started playing football in the gym so that's fun. I love p-days. As great as missionary work is, its nice to have this break where you can just be crazy and stuff. But its been a great week. A few days ago we had ZLC which is were all the zone leaders meet together and talk about the mission and whats going on and it was really good. Really motivating. We have met with a few people and its sweet. On Sunday we had a lesson with a girl named Lana and we gave her a baptismal date which she is currently praying about. Cool thing is, We prayed about Oct 24 and it felt good, but during and after the prayer, and up until the appt Nov 17 was weighing on my mind, so i told her that and she is thinking about that too. It was great. Its been a great week and i love being a missionary! Love you all!
Elder Cripps

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 6th Letter

hELLO FAMILY! are you ready? here it is, I've been transferred to the Fish Creek Park YSA ward. SO I'm not even leaving my zone! How sick is that? I'm in YSA again, and i still can visit all my favorite people in New Brighton! That's what i call sweet. My new Companion is Elder Tompkinson from Tuscon AZ. I think I'll be able to give you your birthday present dad, haha that'll be an easy one. Seeing as i AM a walking missionary experience. You remember Tyler Barndollar right? Of course you do. He just got the Melchizedek Priesthood awhile back. That was SO good to hear. I'm trying to coordinate a temple trip with him. I definitely missed all the men of the family at priesthood. I made sure I went with a few people to ice cream afterwards. Tell the Rettingers that I said congrats!!! SO the spiritual thing that i shared was just on how precious time is and how important this work is. It's not too exciting, and that's just about the jist of it. Elder Marsden is getting some kid from Preston, ID, the town from Napoleon Dynamite, so New Brighton ward is getting two VERY small town Idaho boys, haha its funny. I don't really have to much to say, but I'm really happy that I'm not leaving the area yet. its nice. But I'm excited to be back in YSA and have all those activities.I love you all!!!
Elder Crippen