Wednesday, January 13, 2010

January 13th Letter

Thanks for the cool story, i liked it a lot. It's so fun teaching the gospel and building people up. I'm really scared for when i come home and don't do that full time. I hear that's what most missionaries have a hard time with once they return home, is just not feeling effective or doing anything. I think that's going to be a big struggle for me. But whatev. Props to Collin for getting into Idaho! He'll probably be classmates with a bunch of people from my current ward because there's a bunch of them going down there.
Also big props to Maddie for getting the machines done! That's a miracle. Now i feel better about not doing them, now Maddie got the fun! Thanks for all the pictures as well, those were awesome to see. And mom, when you made that list of all the exemplary women in my life you forgot the most important one! YOU! You are number one!
It's been a pretty great week. I got to go teach Jayme on Sunday and we talked about baptism. I think it'll happen eventually but she's a little concerned about her husband's reaction. He's a cool guy though, we got to meet him. At FHE the other night a guy brought two of his friends to come play basketball and they came to us asking what our church was all about. SO we took them around the building and talked about modern-day prophets and stuff. It was sweet. they mentioned that they'd probably be at more church activities so we'll be able to teach them there! And we got permission to go to the Elder's Quorum's Winter camp this weekend. We won't be staying the night but we'll go up the next morning and hang out with our investigators that will be there, so we're REALLY excited for that. It should involve some crazy outdoors MAN stuff. It'll be a blast. Lana, the Jewish girl will be coming back this week so we're pumped for her to get back and to see how she's doing and get back to teaching her again.
We've had some pretty warm weather this week. Its been hanging around 9 Celsius which is about 45 Fahrenheit. That is AMAZING. Talk about take off the suit coats! its burning hot! But life is really good and I'm really happy. Love you all!
Elder Crippen

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

December 29th Letter

Merry Christmas! This was Christmas morning
How many police cars can you find outside of Tim Horton's.
(Tim Horton's is the big Coffee/donut shop up here, haha)

WOW what a week! Christmas is AMAZING! I got treated SO well. 4 meals from 9-3!!!! At 9 i went to the Morrison's and talked to you, they gave me some bacon, after calling you i went to the Vance's who gave me a great brunch and a stocking FULL of goodies and stuff. Then onto the Mysyk's for an amazing Christmas dinner where they gave me a tie and cereal and more goodies. Then to the Wilsher's so they gave us some great food. i was SOOOOOOO full. It was great getting to talk to nanny too, she sounded kinda rough. :( It was a great Christmas, one I'll never forget. Mostly because of all the thought that so many kind people put into it. SO SO SO nice of them. Transfers mean me staying here, and I'll be training a new zone leader, Elder Rice. I don't really know anything about him at all, but the things I've heard have been really good. I'm pretty excited. It'll be nice to go into transfers with a pretty blank slate and not have any prejudgements to make. I'm really excited. The work is going pretty well. We'll be getting a new ward mission leader soon, so that'll be good. A lot of members are really catching in on the importance of how important the church is. Without us even asking they are bringing people to church, to Church tours, lessons in their homes, its awesome!!! I love it.
You asked why i haven't gotten sick. I don't know. haha. I've had colds here and there, but you're right, i haven't really gotten too sick. I'm REALLY glad for that. Its never been a favorite thing to do of mine. Its crazy that's its a new year already and that this is the year i go home! WOW its unreal. Don't worry, I'm working hard! I love you all!
Elder Crippen

Music Video and Long Live WINTER!

December 23rd Letter

Cardston! Claresholm chicken! SOOO good!
singing praises!

A sweet beanie someone had at our FHE carloing bus trip

eating a blizzard, but still hanging loose

Saying bye to Page, Pehrson and Sis. Willis, i miss them

We were SO close... :(
The Stones, Elder Meyers, Newman, and me at the temple!
WOW life is good I love christmas time! Last saturday i went with Elder Meyers and Newman to the temple. We went with their ward mission leader, and it was a blast. I ate in the temple cafeteria, where they have THE BEST roast beef, and then ate claresholm chicken, SO GOOD. On Sunday, i sang oh holy night with the ward choir and that was fun. I love that song. And they didn't even kick me out of the choir. A couple of days ago i was in the mission office helping one of the senior couples with some referrals and i got to call a lady in Alaska! That was exciting. we've had a pretty exciting week as we've been going around and teaching members and leaving them a lil Christmas message. Its been a blast, i LOVE teaching!!! I'm SO excited to talk to you guys Christmas morning! Its going to be awesome. There are a bunch of families taking care of me, so no worries. Remember how i was supposed to serve with Elder Wilson, my buddy from BYU? well, they changed that last minute so I've been bouncing around with a bunch of other missionaries in the zone. It was REALLY hard to say bye to the people going home. A lot of my best friends were in that transfer so I'm really going to miss them. I've had a crazy hectic week. First i was supposed to serve with Elder Wilson, but he got called to be an assistant, so then i went with some other missionaries that i enjoy and get along with, but it got changed again last minute, and I'll be with some missionaries who have had their struggles, but they're fun. I can't wait to open my presents. The only 3 items of mail I've gotten in the last 4 weeks were from mom and dad, and two from a sweet family in Taber, SO I'm really excited to see whats in my stocking and all. Thanks for the tie! its niiiice! well, i have to take off, I'm starving, but i love you all a lot and I'll talk to you on Friday! aghhhH!!!!!!