Helro evewybody!First of all, thank you so much to Aimee for the cookies and pudding!!! SO GOOD. The cookies were just like mom makes em and they were untainted by air travel! SO SO SO good. I almost would've seen you at the office, i wish i did!!! Bummer. Life is good up here, Angela Gorner, formerly Perry, was baptized Sunday, her and her now husband were married on Saturday! It was so great to finally see that! She was teaching Gospel principles before she was a member, and i thought I'd never see that again ever. But Lana, the Jewish girl, got that calling this last week! So sweet. We've been going to this sign language class taught by a member in our ward and on Sunday we bore our testimonies in ASL! It was sweet. Other people did it too and it ended up being a really spiritual meeting because of the simplicity and sincerity of the testimonies that were shared. It was awesome. I haven't been so nervous in bearing my testimony since i was 12! haha!
Last pday we played touch football in the gym, and i got pretty banged up, haha. But I'm fine. I went up to intercept a ball, caught it,but then my legs got taken out from under me, i fell straight down right on my side from about 4 ft up. I have a silly bruise on my hip and lost my wind, AND held onto the ball. A highlight of course. It was a lot of fun. I LOVE being active!!
Last night we went to try and contact a potential investigator, and her dad started talking to us about how we believe in a different Jesus. We asked what he believed and he said, "Jesus is divine." I said "Check!" And he kept listing off all these characteristics of Christ and we said yes to every one. Then Tompkinson figured he was talking about the Trinity and that was it. He was a silly one. We asked if there was anything we could do for him he said,"believe in Jesus Christ" SO i said, "Done and done!" It was ridiculous. haha next time someone says that we believe in a different Jesus I'm just gonna say "You mean Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of our Father who came to earth to do the will of his Father and suffered for our sins that through believing in Him we might be saved? THAT ONE?!" Yeah, its all good. :)
I love Christmas time, everyone just seems so much happier and stuff. Its -10 degrees outside, and there's lots of snow, so that's exciting. I love you all and hope all is well!!!
Elder Crippen
Last pday we played touch football in the gym, and i got pretty banged up, haha. But I'm fine. I went up to intercept a ball, caught it,but then my legs got taken out from under me, i fell straight down right on my side from about 4 ft up. I have a silly bruise on my hip and lost my wind, AND held onto the ball. A highlight of course. It was a lot of fun. I LOVE being active!!
Last night we went to try and contact a potential investigator, and her dad started talking to us about how we believe in a different Jesus. We asked what he believed and he said, "Jesus is divine." I said "Check!" And he kept listing off all these characteristics of Christ and we said yes to every one. Then Tompkinson figured he was talking about the Trinity and that was it. He was a silly one. We asked if there was anything we could do for him he said,"believe in Jesus Christ" SO i said, "Done and done!" It was ridiculous. haha next time someone says that we believe in a different Jesus I'm just gonna say "You mean Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of our Father who came to earth to do the will of his Father and suffered for our sins that through believing in Him we might be saved? THAT ONE?!" Yeah, its all good. :)
I love Christmas time, everyone just seems so much happier and stuff. Its -10 degrees outside, and there's lots of snow, so that's exciting. I love you all and hope all is well!!!
Elder Crippen
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